

go install


//Automate - Crafts a series of requests and analyzes the status code of the response.
sj automate -u <> -q
//Prepare - Generates a list of commands to use for manual testing.
sj prepare -u <> -q
//Endpoints - Generates a list of raw API routes.
sj endpoints -u <> -q


Available Commands:
  automate    Sends a series of automated requests to the discovered endpoints.
  endpoints   Prints a list of endpoints from the target.
  help        Help about any command
  prepare     Prepares a set of commands for manual testing of each endpoint.

  -a, --agent string          Set the User-Agent string. (default "Swagger Jacker (")
  -b, --base-path string      Set the API base path if not defined in the spec (i.e. /V2/)
  -f, --format string         Declare the format of the documentation (json/yaml/yml/js). (default "json")
  -H, --headers stringArray   Add custom headers, separated by a colon ("Name: Value"). Multiple flags are accepted.
  -h, --help                  help for sj
  -i, --insecure              Ignores server certificate validation.
  -l, --local-file string     Loads the documentation from a local file.
  -p, --proxy string          Proxy host and port. Example: <> (default "NOPROXY")
  -q, --quiet                 Do not prompt for user input - uses default values for all requests.
  -T, --target string         Manually set a target for the requests to be made if separate from the host the documentation resides on.
  -t, --timeout int           Set the request timeout period. (default 30)
  -u, --url string            Loads the documentation file from a URL
  -v, --version               version for sj