Windows Registry Recovery
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This application allows to read files containing Windows 9x,NT,2K,XP,2K3,7,8 and 10 registry hives. It extracts many useful information about configuration and windows installation settings of host machine.
There's Registry Backup tool which is able to backup current machine registry including BCD and all users registry hives to desired location.
Registry hive can be exported into REGEDIT4 format.
Every topic data can be saved to CSV.
It's designed in Multiple Document Interface.
Here are described individual explorers:
- File InformationIn this explorer you can see basic file properties and checksums.
- Security Record ExplorerDisplays all security records used in registry. Usage counter, owner SID, group SID, list of affected keys and list of SACL and DACL is displayed for every record with flags and permissions enumerated. This explorer is available only for NT based system registry hives.
- SAMDisplays Machine SID and part of SYSKEY. Enumerates local user and group accounts and some of their properties. This explorer is available only for NT based system registry SAM hive.
- Windows InstalationDisplays Windows name, ID and key, install date and user registration info. Enumerates installed software with descriptions and install date and list of installed hotfixes wih description. This explorer is available only SOFTWARE registry hive (Product ID and key are extracted in SYSTEM hive too). Last boot and shutdown datetimes are extracted only from SYSTEM hive. Also displays user and machine name and tree based Start menu for selected USER hive. This explorer is available for USER registry hive.
- HardwareDisplays quick overview (CPU, Monitors, Video and Sound card and Network cards) and full device map of configured devices that worked on host machine. They are displayed in "Device Manager-like" tree with some properties. This explorer is available for SYSTEM registry hive.
- Startup ApplicationsEnumerates applications that are registered to be run after startup. This explorer is available for SOFTWARE registry hive.
- Services and DriversEnumerates all installed services and drivers with properties. This explorer is available only for NT based system registry SYSTEM hive.